Teri Stahara


McDowell County Commissioner

Investing in Our Future: Education
Increase county funding for public schools to provide a better education for all students.
Opponents want to eliminate county funding unless books they object to are removed from school libraries.

Fair, Impartial, and Responsible Decisions
County commissioners must put the needs of all residents first, regardless of political beliefs or special interests.
Commissioners must ensure that all private and public decisions are made fairly and impartially.

Mental Health: The Root of Many Problems
Mental health is at the root of many problems, including addiction, gun deaths, and homelessness.
Fentanyl overdose deaths have risen significantly in recent years, and firearms were the primary weapon in 77% of child homicides.
Partners in domestic abuse situations are often the victims of homelessness.

Affordable Starter Homes
Increase the size of the DSS building or build a better, more useable space to carry on the important work of helping people become healthy, productive citizens.
Starter homes appreciate faster than homes valued in the middle and top tiers, and we need more for new employees.
Builder incentives and overriding zoning restrictions are creative ways to help accomplish this goal.

Renewable Energy: Thinking Forward
Keeping the county ahead of the influx of people who would love to live here is a matter of thinking forward.
With the less expensive way to save taxpayer money, a 7.68 kWh photovoltaic system in North Carolina will cost about $20,000 (cheaper than 39 other states).
Investing in solar systems at undeveloped sites in the county, such as government rooftops, can save money and produce savings for the county taxpayers.

Service Workers Pay
Fair compensation for a stronger community.

Contact Us

Please contact me if you want more information about my platform, resume, and plans for McDowell County, North Carolina.